Bek Khaitbaev, Developer in Tashkent, Tashkent Province, Uzbekistan
Bek is available for hire
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Bek Khaitbaev

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Tashkent, Tashkent Province, Uzbekistan
Toptal Member Since
February 18, 2015

Bek started as an ActionScript developer creating animations and visual effects. He now applies the same knowledge and techniques to JavaScript. He has mastered several client-side MVC frameworks and enjoys working on both client-side and server-side JavaScript.


Ember.js, Node.js
Ember.js, Node.js, Bootstrap
Mercedes Benz USA
Node.js, Ember.js




Preferred Environment

Git, Sublime Text, OS X

The most amazing...

...thing I've done is to create a video ad management solution with a web-based console for my final year project.

Work Experience

Lead Front-end Engineer

2020 - 2022
  • Played a key role in building the online banking platform's core features like card limits, multi-accounts, and role management.
  • Maintained and improved internal libraries used across the front-end team.
  • Helped onboard new front-end developers and assisted them during my time in the company.
Technologies: Ember.js, Node.js

Senior Front-end Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • Constructed a complex interactive map to track freight position and schedule.
  • Built a CRM functionality into a web application to manage customers and delivery schedule.
  • Increased test coverage of the front-end web application from 20% to 95%.
Technologies: Ember.js, Node.js, Bootstrap

Front-end Engineer

2016 - 2017
Mercedes Benz USA
  • Served as a key collaborator in improving the performance of a large web application.
  • Wrote detailed tests for each component added to the application.
  • Reviewed the code of other peer developers in the team.
  • Maximized UI component reuse by unifying/generalizing UI component code and styles.
Technologies: Node.js, Ember.js

Web Developer

2016 - 2017 (via Toptal)
  • Decreased app payload by removing dead code and decreasing dependencies on third-party libraries.
  • Set up a bug tracking system both on back-end and front-end to effectively monitor each release.
  • Effectively used caching with Redis to minimize requests to the database.
  • Introduced and followed Git-flow practice for the project. Made sure that each release follows SemVer versioning.
Technologies: Shopify API, MongoDB, Node.js, Ember.js

Web Developer

2016 - 2016
  • Created pixel-perfect UI components according to design.
  • Converted the entire project structure to Ember pods (even styles).
  • Reviewed and made recommendations on pull requests from junior developers.
  • Refactored Sass files to reduce duplicate styles and improve reuse.
  • Worked on making UI components responsive and mobile-friendly.
Technologies: Google Maps API, Ember.js

Web Developer

2015 - 2016
  • Built a highly interactive multidimensional chart with Crossfilter and D3.js, which operated on a large set of data.
  • Utilized promises and ES6 syntax to write clean, robust code.
  • Wrote integration, acceptance, and unit tests for critical parts of the app utilizing Ember Mirage.
  • Turned some parts of my work into an Ember add-on which was open-sourced (ember-slack-search-input).
  • Improved the UI/UX of the app by adding custom UI elements and animations, which made the app cleaner and easier to use.
  • Used heavily customized Ember data with custom adapters, serializers, and transformers.
  • Created touring/onboarding for the app which showed all essential parts of the app.
Technologies: Mirage, D3.js, Ember.js, Sass, Ember Data, DC.js

Full-stack Developer

2015 - 2016 (via Toptal)
  • Refactored back-end code to utilize promises using Bluebird.js.
  • Upgraded all outdated libraries through incremental adaptation of a new API.
  • Improved the build system of front-end code to increase the speed of render time.
  • Created image upload to S3 pipeline with image processing.
  • Improved integration with S3 by using Node.js streams.
Technologies: Bluebird, ImageMagick, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MongoDB, Node.js, Backbone.js

Ember.js Developer

2015 - 2015 (via Toptal)
  • Converted a CoffeeScript-based project to ES6 JavaScript.
  • Wrote acceptance tests using mock data with Ember Mirage.
  • Utilized all Ember 2.x features to write clean and performant code.
  • Developed interactive charts with D3.js.
  • Set up continuous integration and delivery.
Technologies: Sass, D3.js, Ember.js

Front-end Engineer

2013 - 2015
  • Worked as a front-end engineer for multiple projects, including the mobile version of the site.
  • Made a front-end build system based on Grunt used in production.
  • Assisted in implementing authentication for the mobile version of a site.
  • Created and tested HTML letters to work on all email clients using
  • Assisted in creating a new product based on Ember.js.
  • Worked with a distributed multinational team.
Technologies: Ember.js, Node.js, JavaScript

ActionScript Developer

2012 - 2012
  • Profiled ActionScript code to find and fix all bottleneck areas, slowing down the application.
  • Refactored and optimized the code, replacing event-based flow with delegation.
  • Utilized Greensock library to create complex animations.
Technologies: GreenSock, Flash ActionScript

Recipe Searcher
A pet project that I completed using Ember.js, Node.js, and MongoDB.

Top Music
A pet project that I completed using Ember.js, API, and YouTube API.

Replica of Slack Search Input Field as Ember Add-on
As a part of a job in InProd Solutions, I open sourced an Ember add-on.


JavaScript, HTML5, Sass, CSS3, Flash ActionScript, Java


Ember.js, Electron, Bootstrap


Node.js, Handlebars, jQuery, Lodash, D3.js, Backbone.js, ImageMagick, DC.js, Ember Data, Shopify API, Google Maps API, Moment.js, Socket.IO, Google Maps, Marionette.js


REST, Functional Programming, Promise, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Reactive Programming


Firebase, Heroku, GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP), OS X, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Linux


Bluebird, Mirage, SVG, WebSockets


Sublime Text, GreenSock, NGINX, Mocha, Adobe Photoshop, Canvas, Git, RabbitMQ


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, CouchDB

2010 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Computing and I.T.

University of Surrey - Guildford, UK

Collaboration That Works

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