Carlos Guedes, Developer in Lisbon, Portugal
Carlos is available for hire
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Carlos Guedes

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Lisbon, Portugal
Toptal Member Since
October 17, 2015

卡洛斯是一名软件工程师,住在欧洲西海岸的葡萄牙. 拥有超过15年的教学和软件开发经验, 他擅长全栈开发,对web技术有广泛的了解. Carlos loves to write code in JavaScript and React.


Stripe、Amazon S3 (AWS S3)、Heroku、Google Cloud Platform (GCP)、Express.js...
Sky UK, Ltd.
React, JavaScript, Web API, REST, .NET, Front-end, Hypermedia API, Apps, Roku...
Quartz.NET, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET, .NET...




Preferred Environment

React, TypeScript, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, GraphQL

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Principal Software Engineer | VP Engineer

2017 - PRESENT
  • 创建了一个平台,在拥有数百家供应商的市场上销售产品.
  • Supported the B2C Cups app build for Android and iOS.
  • 管理一个由几个软件开发人员和一个公司设计师组成的团队.
  • 创建可重用组件,发布到私有npm存储库.
  • 为开发团队定义了最佳实践和工具.
  • Specified the product roadmap with the leadership team.
技术:Stripe、Amazon S3 (AWS S3)、Heroku、Google Cloud Platform (GCP)、Express.js, Node.js, Angular, React, TypeScript, JavaScript, Front-end, REST APIs, Redux, ECMAScript (ES6), Google Sheets, Stripe API, Plaid, MERN Stack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Redux-Saga, Plaid API, JSON, React Final Form, Mongoose, Full-stack Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), Serverless, HTML5, Full-stack, Leadership, Mortgages, Microservices, Back-end, Back-end Development, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, Software Architecture

Software Architect

2014 - 2018
Sky UK, Ltd.
  • 开发、架构和设计软件以支持组织中的功能团队.
  • 对事务性视频点播系统进行了改进.
  • 在网络、电视和移动设备上开发和维护Sky Store商店.
  • 定义了使团队高效的最佳实践和工具.
  • 定义了在超媒体交互中支持的Sky Store客户机应用程序的基本体系结构.
Technologies: React, JavaScript, Web API, REST, .NET, Front-end, Hypermedia API, Apps, Roku, Android, iOS, APIs, REST APIs, ECMAScript (ES6), XML, ASP.NET MVC, SQLOrm, Redis, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), JSON, Entity, Test-driven Development (TDD), LINQ, HTML5, Concurrent Programming, Microservices, Back-end, NoSQL, Software Architecture

Founder | CTO

2009 - 2018
  • Architected the Thoth system for class management.
  • 构建了一个组件来管理教室组中的学生注册.
  • 开发了一个可扩展的解决方案来通知课堂活动的参与者.
  • 创建了一种发布教师组和个人工作项的方法.
  • 构建了一个仪表板,在矩阵中显示学生提交的工作项.
  • 开发了一个完整的后端来添加学生、教师和新教室.
Technologies: Quartz.NET, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET, .NET, Front-end, ECMAScript (ES6), XML, jQuery, ASP.NET MVC, SQLOrm, Ajax, Webpack, Passport.js, JSON,全栈开发,HTML5,全栈,后端,后端开发

Lecturer in Computer Science

2005 - 2015
  • 教一年级学生入门编程软件.
  • 为三年级学生讲授web应用程序开发课程.
  • Taught multiple programming-related classes, including algorithms, information systems, and object-oriented programming.
  • 监督并编写实用软件实验课程的程序.
  • 创建并教授一门关于计算机图形学的新课程.
Technologies: Node.js, CSS, HTTP, ASP.NET, SQL, C#, .. NET, OpenGL, JavaScript, Java,前端,React, REST api, ECMAScript (ES6), ASP.NET MVC, Ajax, JSON, HTML5

Software Architect

2013 - 2014
Coriant GmbH & Co. KG
  • 通过实践课程培训软件开发人员.
  • 通过帮助功能团队定义计划来推出解决方案的更改和更新,减少了产品的总体技术债务.
  • 确保核心平台的演进,执行评估和实现.
  • 维护和发展解决方案的软件架构.
  • 与发布管理团队合作,确保软件开发过程的流线型.
  • 与UI/UX团队合作,分析对平台的影响.
Technologies: Apache Maven, JBoss, Java EE, Java, Architecture, XML, AngularJS, Concurrent Programming, Back-end, Back-end Development, Software Architecture

Software Engineer

2010 - 2011
  • 支持服务交付代理团队中核心服务的开发.
  • 为Sapo内部产品团队创建了一个服务市场.pt.
  • 扩展现有的后台办公室以支持要求苛刻的功能.
技术:企业服务总线(ESB)、CSS、HTML、JavaScript、ASP.NET, .. NET,并发编程,后端,后端开发

Cups Dashboard
Cups是一家以重新思考精品咖啡行业独立业务为使命的公司. Our community gives coffee shop owners access to tools, services, and savings designed specifically for them.

我们与纽约和美国各地的咖啡店合作, where we have been active since the spring 2014. 我们在全市拥有200多家分店,这使我们成为仅次于星巴克的第二大咖啡连锁店.



Thoth是一个帮助学生和老师进行日常活动的课堂平台. It allows students to enroll in classrooms, join work groups, download work item assignments, submit works, receive news, and track classroom lectures.

Sky Store
天空商店是一个简单的方式来购买或租赁大片或历史经典电影,只要你想, anytime, anywhere. 我曾与后端团队合作,交付了一个可用于多种设备的灵活且可扩展的平台.

SAPO Services Marketplace

SAPO Services是一个由SAPO命名的市场,用户可以在其中购买面向服务的体系结构(SOA)环境中的web服务和内容. 这些服务可以由SAPO用户购买和调制, 允许更大的灵活性来创建新的多平台应用程序.

GitHub Batch
这个开源工具在一个组织的背景下批量创建GitHub存储库和团队,以帮助我在ISEL讲授的课程. It was beneficial to adopt GitHub in the classroom.


ECMAScript (ES6), XML, CSS, HTML, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS3, Java, SQL, HTML5, C++, Lisp, Prolog, Assembly, GraphQL


ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, Redux, Tailwind CSS, Express.js, Bootstrap 3, Next.js, .NET, ASP.NET Web API, Entity, AngularJS, Angular, NestJS


Web API, Node.js, LINQ, jQuery, React, REST APIs, Google Sheets API, Redux-Saga, Stripe, Stripe API, React Final Form, OpenGL, Passport.js, Plaid API, GitHub API, Hypermedia API


Sublime Text 3, Git, GitHub, Google Sheets, SendGrid, Webpack, Splunk, RabbitMQ, Mongoose, Apache Maven, Plaid, Cluster, Google Compute Engine (GCE)


REST, Microservices, Concurrent Programming, Non-functional Testing, Test-driven Development (TDD), Design Patterns


Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Heroku, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Java EE, JBoss, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Linux, Docker, Android, iOS


MongoDB, JSON, SQLOrm, NoSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Redis, PostgreSQL


HTTP, Ajax, Architecture, Web Development, MERN Stack, APIs, Front-end, Full-stack Development, Full-stack, Back-end, Back-end Development, Software Architecture, API Integration, Algorithms, Serverless, Leadership, Tauri, Quartz.NET, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), Apps, Cloud, Always On, Digital Rights Management (DRM), Authentication, Programming, Cryptography, SSL Certificates, API Design, Microprocessors, Data Compression, Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Distributed Systems, Networks, Operations Management Systems (OMS), Roku, Consensus Algorithms, Mortgages, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT)

2007 - 2008

Progress Toward a PhD in Computer Systems and Networks

Instituto Superior Técnico - Lisbon, Portugal

2004 - 2007

Master's Degree in Computer Systems and Networks

Instituto Superior Técnico - Lisbon, Portugal

2004 - 2005

Master of Engineering Degree in Computer Engineering


2000 - 2003

Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Engineering


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