Henrique Santos Fernandes, Developer in Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Henrique Santos Fernandes

Verified Expert  in Engineering

CI/CD Pipelines Developer

Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
December 23, 2015

Henrique holds a telecommunications engineering degree from one of Brazil’s finest universities. Having managed systems and network infrastructures for over eight years, he has vast experience with task automation and excellent analytical skills.


HFX Solutions
Amazon EKS, Terraform, Google Cloud, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes...
Phragmites, Inc.
Docker, Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)...
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Bash, Apache, Networks, Node.js, Management...




Preferred Environment


The most amazing...

...project I've been responsible for was the infrastructure of a federal university in Brazil. I took care of networking, production servers, and more.

Work Experience


2022 - PRESENT
HFX Solutions
  • Helped many clients to use the cloud in a cost-effective way.
  • Deployed different Kubernetes clusters at AWS and GCP.
  • Monitored application and infrastructure metrics using Prometheus.
Technologies: Amazon EKS, Terraform, Google Cloud, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Helm, Ansible, Redis, CI/CD Pipelines, Docker, GitOps, Migration, DevOps, Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

DevOps Engineer

2019 - 2022
Phragmites, Inc.
  • Deployed blockchain network using Kubernetes over many Google Cloud Platform (GCP) regions.
  • Automated creation of a testnet for each pull request.
  • Optimized the Docker image where the blockchain ran.
Technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Python, CircleCI, Jenkins, DevOps, Terraform, CI/CD Pipelines, Google Cloud, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), GitOps, Migration, Infrastructure as Code (IaC)


2015 - 2019
  • Scaled out and monitored client infrastructure using Prometheus.
  • Configured web and application servers for clients.
  • Migrated client infrastructure to the cloud using Ansible.
  • Built a Kubernetes cluster at Google Cloud using Terraform.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Bash, Apache, Networks, Node.js, Management, Python, Go, Security, Docker, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Linux, Terraform, Migration, DevOps, Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

DevOps Engineer

2016 - 2016
SonicCloud (via Toptal)
  • Built infrastructure as a code using Ansible at Google Cloud Engine and Vagrant for testing.
  • Provided centralized logging using ELK stack.
Technologies: Go, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bash, Apache, ELK (Elastic Stack), Docker, SIP, VoIP, Python, Google Cloud Engine, Ansible, CI/CD Pipelines, DevOps

DevOps Engineer

2016 - 2016
RoomDots (via Toptal)
  • Configured AWS OpsWorks Stacks for the customer, with load balancing, monitoring, and scalability.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Docker, Bash, Apache, AWS ELB, AWS OpsWorks, DevOps

Infrastructure Manager

2014 - 2015
  • Integrated existing software with pfSense for a wifi gateway project.
  • Implemented web application servers for the company.
  • Secured the environment of the company and the server farm.
  • Migrated many services to the cloud AWS.
  • Configured backup for the company and clients.
  • Monitored company infrastructure.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Docker, Bash, Apache, Backups, Networks, Security, Git, pfSense, Linux

Senior Technical Specialist Network Services

2009 - 2014
Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Implemented a LDAP for the university.
  • Monitored all university network and servers.
  • Configured and managed web and applications servers.
  • Implemented a mail solution for the university.
  • Implemented a Java application Server (JBoss).
  • Reformulated the network core with new routing options.
  • Implemented a load balancer for applications.
Technologies: Docker, Bash, Apache, VoIP, Virtualization, Web Servers, LDAP, Networks, Security, Email, Linux

Kubernetes Cluster and Pixel Streaming

I set up a scalable system using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and Auto scaling groups for Windows machines in multiple regions. The system would spin up machines as the users request them based on geo-location for low latency.

Scaling was important as the machines required for the experience were about 1,000 USD per month due to the NVIDIA card, G5 instances type.

I automated the creation of Windows machines that would do Pixel Streaming. Also, I configured Auto Scaling groups to use these streaming machines to deliver A+ graphical experience for the users connected to them. The project was a meta-verse-like experience.

Everything was managed by terraforming.

Stack: Node.js, Redis, Postgres, React, Unreal Engine, etc
Infra: Kubernetes, Auto Scaling groups, S3, Cloud Front, Terraform, etc.

Kubernetes Cluster for Blockchain

I was the lead DevOps initially working on migrating the Kubernetes cluster from AWS to GCP.

After the migration, we needed to scale our testnet and mainnet to around 150 nodes and around 1.2 TB of RAM (distributed globally). The biggest Kubernetes cluster had around 800 GB of RAM.

We used FluxCD for GitOps, and I've also migrated from Jenkins to CircleCI.

Developed a script that helped outside users run a node of our blockchain at most clouds.

The great about the project is that it is open source.


Bash, Bash Script, Go, Python, PHP


Postfix, PHP-FPM, Apache, Cacti, Nagios, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Ansible, GitHub, Terraform, Helm, pfSense, Squid Proxy Server, SpamAssassin, NGINX, Zabbix, Amazon EKS, AWS ELB, ELK (Elastic Stack), Git, AWS OpsWorks, lighttpd, Asterisk, Gerrit, Jenkins, Kamailio, FreeSWITCH, CircleCI, Shell


DevOps, Serverless Architecture, Management


Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Linux, DigitalOcean, Amazon, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Linux RHEL/CentOS, KVM, Google Cloud Engine, Xen, OpenStack


GNU, Ubuntu Server, SSH, Email, Dovecot, HAProxy, ldirectord, DNS, Cloud, CI/CD Pipelines, AWS Cloud Architecture, Migration, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), System Administration, Networking, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), FreeRADIUS, NFS, BIND9, Virtualization, Networks, Iptables, Bacula, GitOps, Argo CD, Security, Backups, LDAP, Web Servers, SIP, VoIP, LTSP, Pulumi, Shell Scripting


LocalStorage, Node.js


Google Cloud, Memcached, MySQL Daemon, MySQL/MariaDB, Elasticsearch, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL

Industry Expertise


2014 - 2016

Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering

Universidade Federal Fluminense - Brazil

2008 - 2013

Graduate Degree in Telecommunications Engineering

Universidade Federal Fluminense - Brazil

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