Jake Noble, Developer in Derby, United Kingdom
Jake is available for hire
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Jake Noble

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Derby, United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since
June 23, 2015

Jake is an enthusiastic and highly skilled PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript developer from Derby, UK. 他从事网站和web应用程序工作超过十年,并证明了他为任何客户创建优秀web解决方案的能力. 杰克擅长创建新项目和跳到现有项目,并期待着迎接新的挑战.


Toptal Clients
REST APIs, Vue 2, MySQL, Laravel, PHP 7, Front-end Development, Amazon EC2...
Social Horsepower |
PHP, PHP 7, Vue 2, Symphony, FullCalendar, Back-end, Data Structures, Bootstrap...
Universite Cote d'Azur |
Symphony, PHP, Databases, Back-end, Bootstrap, GitHub, Relational Databases...




Preferred Environment

Symfony, MySQL, MacOS, PhpStorm

The most amazing...

...我参与的项目涉及在从Zend迁移200多个实体后,在Symfony 6中创建API后端,然后将API插入Vue前端.

Work Experience

Web App Developer

2020 - PRESENT
Toptal Clients
  • 从另一个开发者那里拿了一个用Laravel构建的半成品REST API,并完成了与另一个开发者构建的Vue后端一起使用的API.
  • Communicated with the client on requirements and issues via video and Slack.
  • Finalized the deployment process via Laravel Forge and Digital Ocean.
Technologies: REST APIs, Vue 2, MySQL, Laravel, PHP 7, Front-end Development, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Full-stack, MVC Frameworks, APIs, HTML5, HTML4, Web App Deployment, Zend Framework, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), GraphQL, SQL, VoIP, Twilio, Lumen, DigitalOcean, WebSockets, Node.js, Web Development, PostgreSQL, Websites, AWS Amplify, AWS Lambda, Vue, TypeScript, API Integration, OAuth, Shopify API, Shopify, Fillable PDFs, PDF, Back-end, Bootstrap, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, NoSQL, Database Design, Squid, Linux RHEL/CentOS, Networking, IT Networking, Ubuntu Linux, Data Processing, Servers, Web Hosting, Photo Uploads, Blade, Stripe, Blade Templates, REST, PHP 8, Data Scraping, Scrapy, CentOS 6, Postfix, NGINX, PHP 5, MAMP, Composer

Senior PHP Symphony Developer

2022 - 2022
Social Horsepower |
  • Migrated 200+ old Zend framework entities to Symfony 6 and Doctrine 2 ORM, using domain-driven design.
  • 将现有的CSS和HTML实现到Vue模板中,并编写Vue组件来创建JavaScript功能.
  • Wrote API's back ends for several Symfony 6 entities using domain-driven design.
  • Consumed those API endpoints using Vue to render social media post data to the end user.
  • Rolled out the Vue version of FullCalendar to allow social media posts to be deleted, approved, rejected, and scheduled.
  • 使用Apify的Puppeteer和PHP队列系统编写了一个刮板,从LinkedIn和LinkedIn内的Sales Navigator中刮取数据.
Technologies: PHP, PHP 7, Vue 2, Symphony, FullCalendar, Back-end, Data Structures, Bootstrap, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Large Data Sets, Database Design, Data Processing, Servers, REST

Symphony Developer

2022 - 2022
Universite Cote d'Azur |
  • Fixed bugs left by a previous developer after a server upgrade.
  • Migrated the project from Symfony 3 to 6 and added version control for future developers, as there was none before.
  • Communicated with the client about the project's bugs, what was wrong, my proposed solution, and the actual solution.
Technologies: Symphony, PHP, Databases, Back-end, Bootstrap, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Database Design, Servers, Web Hosting, PHP 5

Senior Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2022
New Hotel Collection Smoky Mountains |
  • Created a new rewards system for hotel guests based on a CSV export from a third-party system. The CSV would be imported and synced with existing data to show guests their current rewards status.
  • Worked alone on this project with a non-technical client, collaborating to scope out the project and successfully deliver it to the client.
  • Oversaw project deployment staging and live servers using Laravel Forge.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, MySQL, Back-end, Data Structures, Bootstrap, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Database Design, Data Processing, Servers, Photo Uploads, REST


2021 - 2022
Effective Arbitrage
  • 在Symfony 5中编写了一个定制的应用程序,从Amazon获取最畅销的商品,并在eBay上查找匹配的产品. The idea is that eBay items will be bought and sold on Amazon for profit.
  • Used http://keepa.com/ to obtain Amazon's top product search results and then eBay's API to find the same products on eBay.
  • Deployed to a live site for staff to use the site, review products, and then add them to Amazon. This included building the UI using an off-the-shelf admin Bootstrap theme.
Technologies: Web Crawlers, REST APIs, Architecture, Amazon API, eBay API, Full-stack, MVC Frameworks, APIs, HTML5, HTML4, Web App Deployment, PHP 7, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), SQL, Web Development, Websites, Back-end, Bootstrap, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Database Design, Data Processing, Servers, Web Hosting, REST, Data Scraping

LAMP Developer

2021 - 2022
High Rise Talent Consulting Inc
  • 开发现有的Laravel应用程序,以满足客户和最终用户对实现管理web应用程序的需求.
  • 与Vue开发人员合作,连接应用程序的前端和后端,以交付web应用程序.
  • Continued to work with the client on end-user feedback to fix bugs and implement new features.
  • Oversaw seamless deployment from GitHub to Laravel Forge for both live and staging servers.
Technologies: PHP, LAMP, Apache, Linux, MySQL, Full-stack, MVC Frameworks, APIs, HTML5, HTML4, Web App Deployment, PHP 7, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), SQL, Web Development, Websites, Vue, PDF, Back-end, Data Structures, Bootstrap, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Database Design, Data Processing, Servers, Photo Uploads, Blade, REST

Director and Web Developer

2012 - 2022
Yolk Creative
  • 根据中小型企业和理事会的要求,撰写网站提案以赢得客户工作.
  • Set up hosting infrastructure using PHP 5, MySQL, and Varnish cache to get the most from a single VPS without overloading Apache.
  • 为每个VPS设置备份例程,以获取数据和文件的异地备份,并将其放置在Amazon S3上.
  • 为所有网站配置Amazon CloudFront,并“缩小”所有JavaScript和CSS,以提高页面加载速度.
  • Wrote a bespoke golfing application that allows players to save their golf rounds on a course. 然后生成各种图形和其他图形,以便教练可以评估球员的表现.
  • 在AWS上使用EC2实例实现图像处理,从而将繁重的图像处理工作从VPS转移到它自己的专用(更快、更便宜)资源上.
Technologies: PHP, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, jQuery, XPath, XML, MySQL, Front-end Development, Google Maps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon CloudFront CDN, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Varnish, Full-stack, MVC Frameworks, APIs, HTML5, HTML4, PHPUnit, Web App Deployment, PHP 7, Zend Framework, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), SQL, Web Development, Websites, WordPress, Back-end, Bootstrap, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Database Design, Data Processing, Servers, Web Hosting, Photo Uploads, CodeIgniter, REST, PHP 5

Twilio Integration

2021 - 2021
Leap Network Inc
  • 使用Twilio API为LEAP的基于web的支持系统推出了视频通话功能,使支持人员与最终用户之间能够进行通信.
  • Used the Twilio API also to enable audio calls between support staff and end users.
  • 使用Twilio SMS API编写了一个聊天web应用程序,允许用户与支持人员交换文本消息, that can reply via a chat dialogue on their work machine.
  • 为上述Twilio短信聊天解决方案实现WebSockets,为支持人员提供来自最终用户的实时更新.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Symfony, Symfony 3, jQuery, Twilio API, Stripe API, MySQL, Sync, Back-end, Bootstrap, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Database Design, Data Processing, Servers, Web Hosting, Photo Uploads, SMS, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), Multimedia, Messaging

Full-stack Developer and Architect

2020 - 2021
Besar Hajdini
  • 编写了一个Symfony web应用程序,极大地提高了销售人员为潜在销售生成报价的速度.
  • 使web应用程序能够根据站点的类型和数量以及站点到公司总部的距离来计算工作成本.
  • Oversaw project deployment staging and live servers using Laravel Forge.
Technologies: JavaScript, PHP, Node.js, Python, CSS, HTML, MySQL, Back-end, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Database Design, Data Processing, Servers, Web Hosting

Director and Web Developer

2010 - 2012
  • Served as a finance director for a small web agency of five staff members.
  • 编写定制软件,与Xero会计软件和Gecko仪表板集成,更轻松地展示业务绩效.
  • Wrote numerous plugins and add-ons for the open source CMS Concrete5 including social media extensions, user login, and user management.
  • 在Concrete5中制作RSS扩展,允许使用任何RSS提要并将其转换为委员会网站内的页面, allowing them to reuse news from their sister sites.
  • 为一个住房门户编写Zend框架应用程序,该门户使用Rightmove的BLM文件格式(以及其他格式),每天将数千个属性导入其web目录.
  • Wrote a Zend Framework application for a client to manage and list thousands of nightclubs worldwide.
Technologies: PHP, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, jQuery, XPath, XML, MySQL, Front-end Development, Full-stack, MVC Frameworks, APIs, HTML5, HTML4, Web App Deployment, PHP 7, Zend Framework, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), SQL, Web Development, Websites, WordPress, Back-end, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Database Design, Servers, Photo Uploads, CodeIgniter

PHP Developer

2008 - 2010
  • Wrote a PHP spider to crawl sites for all pages and parse out specific data, addresses, telephone numbers, etc.
  • Wrote extensions to an in-house CMS written in PHP 4.
  • Used XPath extensively to find elements within HTML pages in order to run tests on a site, such as missing alt attributes, broken images, broken links, external links, video, and Flash usage.
  • Liaised with clients regarding their technical requirements.
  • Defined and wrote a framework to store website test results in XML format. This format was used throughout the application to render a website's results.
Technologies: PHP, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, jQuery, XPath, XML, MySQL, Linux, Front-end Development, Full-stack, MVC Frameworks, APIs, HTML5, HTML4, Web App Deployment, PHP 7, Zend Framework, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), SQL, MediaWiki, cPanel, Web Development, Websites, WordPress, Back-end, GitHub, Relational Databases, RESTful Development, Database Design, Servers, Photo Uploads, CodeIgniter

Test Easily

A bespoke web app used for click tracking using Symfony 3, PostgreSQL, Redis, Memcached, and much more.


Student Rent Guarantor Application Process

Housing Hand是一家为希望在英国租赁学生宿舍的国际学生提供担保的机构. 他们的网站采用了一个循序渐进的过程,让学生注册并向担保人支付住房保证金.

I built the web application using Symfony with a custom front end.

从始至终与客户沟通项目的交付成果,确保交付成果的达成. I was also in charge of deploying the site, its servers, security, and backups.

该网站还使用DocuSign让学生在线与Housing Hand签署担保协议. The DocuSign documents were personalized for each application.

Blended Learning Universe

定制Symfony 2项目,用于搜索和管理数百所学校及其相关项目.

Main Symfony 2 application: http://www.blendedlearning.org/directory

Features include:
• User login
• User registration
• Profile updates (all via Ajax)
• Directory search, filters, and Google Maps (all via Ajax)
• Export directory searches to CSV
• Auto-generation of a timeline of changes for a school to maintain a record of their updates
• Admin features for searching and maintaining schools, users, programs, etc.

The site's root is in WordPress, done by a previous developer (http://www.blendedlearning.org/).

Web App Questionnaire

A Laravel web application that I took over from another developer. 该站点有几个表单,用于存储数据,然后通过使用自定义XML格式的API将数据发送到客户的CRM.

The project was not in a good state when I took it over. Working with the client and the CRM provider, 我们能够修复这些错误,并添加一些新功能,以简化其驱动程序的捕获.

BBC Cbeebies Prototype

一家当地机构赢得了投标BBC一个大型项目的机会——为现有的chbeebies网站做特写. 这包括在索尔福德的BBC媒体中心现场工作两天,其他公司在这两天里发展自己的想法.

我所在的机构入围了最后三名,并被邀请将他们的想法(在那两天内开发出来的)变成一个完整的原型, which would take several months.

I wrote the entirety of this project's back-end in Symfony 2, 让孩子在iPad上看视频或玩游戏,而父母可以观察他们,并在iPad上“推送”新内容. 这意味着父母通过自己的设备间接地给孩子提供内容,而不会直接干扰孩子的体验.
2004 - 2007

Bachelor of Science Degree in Management Science and Computer Science

Lancaster University - Lancaster, UK


REST APIs, Twilio API, jQuery, Node.js, Vue, Stripe, Vue 2, Facebook API, Google Maps, Amazon API, eBay API, AWS Amplify, Shopify API, Stripe API


FullCalendar, Apache, Varnish, MediaWiki, GitHub, MAMP, Composer, PhpStorm, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Squid, Postfix, NGINX


Laravel, Bootstrap, Symfony, Symfony 4, Symfony 3, Symfony 2, Knockout (Knockout.js), Zend Framework, Lumen, CodeIgniter, Scrapy, PHPUnit


PHP 7, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, PHP 5, XPath, CSS, XML, HTML5, HTML4, TypeScript, GraphQL, Python


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), RESTful Development, Database Design, REST


MacOS, Twilio, DigitalOcean, Amazon Web Services (AWS), WordPress, Amazon EC2, Linux, LAMP, cPanel, AWS Lambda, Shopify, Linux RHEL/CentOS, Ubuntu Linux, CentOS 6


PostgreSQL, Relational Databases, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Databases, Sync, NoSQL


Web App Deployment, MVC Frameworks, APIs, Web Development, Websites, API Integration, PDF, Back-end, Web Hosting, Photo Uploads, Data Scraping, Full-stack, Front-end Development, WebSockets, OAuth, Fillable PDFs, Data Structures, Large Data Sets, Data Processing, SMS, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), Messaging, Multimedia, Blade, Blade Templates, PHP 8, Web Crawlers, Architecture, VoIP, Symphony, Networking, IT Networking, Servers

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