Tomas Casas,阿根廷科尔多瓦Córdoba开发商
Tomas is available for hire
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Tomas Casas

Verified Expert  in Engineering

PHP Developer

Córdoba, Cordoba, Argentina
Toptal Member Since
December 20, 2013

托马斯是一名热衷于解决问题的软件工程师. 他有机会使用面向对象和功能范式. For the last 15 years, Tomas has been doing web applications using PHP and JavaScript. He then focused on JavaScript for SPA and moving and redesigning a React SPA using ClojureScript. He has been a contractor for US-based companies, corporations, and startups for over 10 years.


Create React App, Webpack, Next.js, Node.js, Material UI, Docker, Kubernetes...
CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, Reagent, Material UI, ClojureScript, React, Redux...
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Online
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP




Preferred Environment

GitHub, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), React, Material UI, Create React App, Webpack, Node.js, Microservices, Docker, Kubernetes

The most amazing...

...things I've developed are a SQL tokenizer to filter and sort in-memory objects and a pop-under by injecting code to a new about blank tab.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2020 - 2022
  • Collaborated with the front-end team in creating and supporting a components' library, CRA, and Next.js apps. 已部署的CRA应用作为静态资产从GCP存储中提供服务. The Next.js app was deployed to Heroku.
  • 将所有FE存储库转换为单个存储库,以便于代码重用.
  • Designed and crafted the billing microservice for Shopify's usage-based charges using routers, handlers, and DAOs.
  • Learned a lot about the MS ecosystem with Docker images running in Kubernetes containers in GCP. Collaborated with the front-end team in creating and supporting components' library and CRA and NextJS apps.
技术:创建React App, Webpack, Next.js, Node.js, Material UI, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Docker Swarm, Docker Hub, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Microservices, WebSockets, CSS3, HTML5, GitHub, Design Patterns, Business Requirements, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CircleCI

UI/UX Developer

2014 - 2020
  • Migrated the leading site from React and Redux to CLJS using Reagent and reframed together with Material UI.
  • 协作过渡,从骨干到Redux和React的新功能. The process started by moving away from Grunt to Webpack to deal with packaging the app and rendering HTML templates. That helped build Node.js and Express.js skills.
  • Ported a hotel meta-search site from a proprietary framework to Backbone with responsive design and helped build a proprietary state controller stack to deal with app state and browser history.
  • 支持谷歌Chrome价格检查扩展检查器,Scout.
  • 协助使用Mocha和Cypress进行单元和集成测试.
  • 维持一个组件来触发伙伴站点上的弹出式下拉菜单和选项卡开关.
Technologies: CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, Reagent, Material UI, ClojureScript, React, Redux, Immutable.js

Team Leader, Web Developer

2012 - 2013
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Online
  • Coordinated tasks for a group of five PHP and four QA developers and supported the overall interaction of four engineers with the client.
  • Received client specifications and discussed them with client product owners and business analysts.
  • Worked on app performance using REST request parallelization and resiliency to handle the event of service degradation.
  • Worked on a calendar jQuery plugin.
  • 创建了其他框架和库,包括Zend Framework 1.x, Guzzle, jQuery, and Mustache.
技术:HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP

Partner Contractor

2011 - 2011
Threevoice – FlamingoTV
  • Developed web UI and core components to enable the company to provide prepaid and postpaid VoIP services.
  • 在Zend 1之上创建了一个客户机仪表板.x and Doctrine2.
  • 通过Web界面管理opensip和Asterisk配置.
  • Built Java handlers implementing a radius dictionary for billing (created by another colleague).
  • 镜像两个独立服务器,其中一个作为主服务器,另一个作为从服务器. 实现它们以在不可用事件的情况下切换角色.
技术:PGP, Sippy软交换,RADIUS, opensip, Asterisk, Unix, PHP 5


2010 - 2011
The World Bank
  • 帮助秘鲁政府调整工资模式.
  • 帮助安提瓜和巴布达政府调整工资模式.
技术:Excel VBA, Microsoft Excel

Web Developer

2010 - 2011
  • 创建了一个web UI来管理电子邮件营销活动.
  • Created a "threaded" console daemon using a Unix fork to handle email processing (client use of PHP required).
Technologies: Unix, PHP 5

Web Developer

2010 - 2011
  • Created an application responsible for mapping real estate attributes from a client app using ZonaProp web services DTD.
Technologies: PHP 5


2009 - 2010
  • Created a solid state PBX built on top of the NanoBSD OS with MySQL for data and LightTPD as web server.
  • Developed the PHP 5.2 .管理用户、组、ivr和终端的用户界面.
  • 增加了新版本的远程部署和license管理.
  • 为SEMS创建了一个c++扩展,以启用预付费电话卡.
技术:c++, Asterisk, lighttpd, MySQL, PHP 5, FreeBSD


2006 - 2010
Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina SA
  • Resumed efforts pursuing short-term manufacturing plans based on resource availability.
  • Created proofs of concept with ASP.NET和c#来利用产品配置和中期规划.
技术:ADABAS, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), c#, ASP.NET


2008 - 2008
The World Bank
  • 协助巴拉圭政府调整工资模式.
技术:Excel VBA, Microsoft Excel

Business Analyst

2005 - 2006
Vates SA
  • 为公司设计一款未来的新产品.
  • 为公共部门准备建议书,包括本地和外地招标.
  • Prepared use case analysis for a Transantiago (Chile) project working for Siemens Itron. Helped with Java business rules coding.
Technologies: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Java, Use Cases, Rational Unified Process (RUP)

Junior Professional Associate

2002 - 2004
The World Bank
  • Handled IT support for LCSHD.
  • Collaborated with the “ITC for State Strengthening” terms of reference and project structure.
  • 通过终端服务提供统计分析基础设施.

Business Analyst, Systems Analyst

2002 - 2002
Harriague y Asociados
  • 协助制造系统的分析和设计.


2000 - 2002
Lockheed Martin Argentina SA
  • 准备并赢得了一个制造系统的投标报价.
  • Negotiated requirements and project boundaries and integration to existing apps with client.
  • Analyzed and developed with a team of two other developers to create a platform to handle product configuration and an MRP level 2.
技术:ADABAS, Visual Basic 6 (VB6)


1998 - 2002
  • 建立了多个与产品配置和BOM相关的项目.
  • 为我的大学创建了一个远程学习平台的概念验证.
  • 开发客户发票订单网站(Richetta SA - Sonepar Distribution).
技术:IIS, Microsoft SQL Server, IRC, Microsoft Access, Visual Basic 6 (VB6)


帮助为酒店元搜索建立SPA. 从ES5的内部开发开始,然后发展为基于Backbone的开发, then React/Redux, 现在正在变成CLJS (Reagent and reframe),就像be是CLJ一样.

技术栈:CLJS, Reagent, Reframe, React, Redux, Clojure, Datomic

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Online
A WDPRO (Disney World and Disneyland) UX site built using PHP, PHPUnit, Zend Framework 1.x, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Java (Selenium functional tests), and a RESTFul service layer. 我担任过技术主管和网络开发人员. This site handles park schedules, park tickets, resort booking, and personal itinerary and plans.

Flamingo VoIP Telephony Platform

这是一个使用PHP 5为FlamingoTV创建的私人网站.3、Unix、Asterisk、OpenSips、Radius、Sippy、Java、PGP. It features a full VoIP telephony platform integrated with two main custom developments, 帐户管理和电话和语音邮件的仪表板处理在一个PHP web应用程序, 处理预付卡批次的生成, media service usage, and CDR batch generation. I implemented accounting using a Java Radius client on the B2B (developed by another engineer from the team).

Bandin和Alfa Real State特许经营房地产广告

我创建的一个私人项目,作为Modelos Digitales在线服务组合的一部分. 它包括批处理Bandin和Alfa XML资产,并将它们发布到www中 web service API ( The web UI is built to handle all franchise attributes and maps them into ZonaProp valid attributes and values. It also features a nice web UI, single or bulk publishing, and un-publishing as well. Email Marketing Campaigns

我使用PHP 5创建的一个私有应用程序.3, Doctrine 2, Zend Framework 1.部署环境、MySQL DB和FreeBSD. It includes a batch processing daemon programmed in PHP and implemented using Unix fork. web UI允许客户创建自己的活动. Filters were created based on a command chain using fall-through logic to to avoid saturation of email boxes.

Siemens Itron - Transantiago
I was a business analyst for a transactional switch implementing ISO 8583 protocol to authorize pre-paid cards for metro or bus transportation systems. 我还以Java开发人员的身份参与了业务逻辑实现的工作.

SIP/IPS - Integrated Production System

一个用VB6和Adabas D数据库构建的Win32应用程序. The data was managed with AutoBASE. The platform was refactored and upgraded to support business logic on top of generic configurable forms. I was PM, business analyst, and VB6 developer, and managed product configuration and manufacturing planning from the BOM and based on resource availability. 我还管理了库存的可追溯性. After a few years, I added extended functionality for short-term production programming as well as a subset of features on ASP.. NET和c#,用于未来的新内部网应用程序.


VB6, SQL, JavaScript, VB.NET, JavaScript 6, JavaScript 5, PHP 5, Visual FoxPro, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), HTML5, CSS, HTML, PHP, CSS3, Excel VBA, UML, C#, JADE, Java, BASIC, C++, Pascal, Sass


Redux, Zend Framework, Rational Unified Process (RUP), NHibernate, Hibernate, Compass, ClojureScript, Cypress, OpenSIPs, Symfony 2, Bootstrap, Guzzle, CodeIgniter, ASP.. NET、Slim、Yii、Material UI、Re-frame、Next.js


原则2,React, React Redux, Preact, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, jQuery, Sinon.JS, Chai, REST APIs, RADIUS, Node.jQuery UI, SyncJS, Mustache, Immutable.js


Microsoft Access, Adobe Photoshop, Apache, GitHub Pages, Eclipse IDE, Git, Perforce, MySQL Workbench, Asterisk, Atom, Reagent, JavaScript Debugging, WebdriverIO, Microsoft Excel, GitHub, Adobe Illustrator, Apache Tomcat, Mocha, Mercurial, Apache Ant, CorelDRAW, CVS, IBM Rational Rose, Inkscape, lighttpd, Subversion (SVN), Sublime Text 2, MongoDB Atlas, Create React App, Webpack, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Docker Swarm, Docker Hub, CircleCI


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), RESTful Development, Agile Software Development, Prototype-based OOP, Unit Testing, REST, Procedural Programming, Functional Programming, Continuous Integration (CI), OLAP, Scrum, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control, Microservices, Design Patterns


Web Development, Enterprise Architecture, Integration Testing, Front-end Development, Use Cases, Terminal Servers, Sippy Softswitch, PGP, IRC, IIS, Prototyping, VoIP, Unix Shell Scripting, WebSockets, Business Requirements, Systems Engineering


NetBeans, Windows, Unix, Windows Server, MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Ubuntu, iOS, FreeBSD, Oracle, Docker, Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, ADABAS, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB

2005 - 2006



1994 - 2000



1992 - 1993

Coursework in Electronics Engineering


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