Saifur Rahman, Developer in Nashville, TN, United States
Saifur is available for hire
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Saifur Rahman

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Back-end Developer

Nashville, TN, United States
Toptal Member Since
October 5, 2022

Saifur拥有计算机科学硕士学位,并拥有16年使用Java技术实现后端和前端应用程序的丰富经验. 他是一位专业的解决方案提供商,擅长与业务用户交互以理解和匹配需求. Saifur已经实现了遵循云架构的可伸缩微服务,并且在使用Jakarta EE Design Patterns为新开发重用最高效和最有效的策略方面经验丰富.


Objectstream Inc, USA
Java, Spring, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot...
The Center for Global Enterprise LTD
XML, XML Schema, Data Engineering, APIs, SDKs, HTTP, Message Queues, JDBC...
Parallon (HCA), USA
Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Security...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Unix, Windows

The most amazing...

...我开发的软件是OKWCC案件管理系统,用于在线提交工人赔偿索赔和争议, which Oklahoma State highly commended.

Work Experience

Java Lead | Architect

2018 - PRESENT
Objectstream Inc, USA
  • 构建了俄克拉何马州工人赔偿委员会(OKWCC)案例管理应用程序,实现了案例生命周期的自动化.
  • 设计并开发了ETL框架(Spring Batch Job),从国家赔偿保险委员会(NCCI)的SFTP中提取每日数据并进行处理. Stored the new WCC application at the Workers' Compensation Information System (WCIS).
  • Analyzed requirements and defined the high-level architectural design.
  • Operated in a rapid development environment using Agile methodologies.
  • Handled the version management of multi-module projects.
  • Developed high-performance Spring RESTful web services with Jersey.
  • Led, guided, and monitored the team during the project.
Technologies: Java, Spring, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Cloud, Windows, Spring Cloud, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Servlet, Ajax, Object-oriented Design (OOD), APIs, Microservices, MySQL, REST APIs, Spring Batch, Hibernate, Java Servlets, Apache Maven, Jenkins, Eclipse, Amazon DynamoDB, JasperReports, JSON, API Integration, JSON API, JSON REST APIs, CSS, Selenium, Jira, Scrum, Back-end Development, NoSQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Architecture, Web Applications, Payment Gateways, Online Ordering, Python, REST, SOLID Principles, MVC Design, JEE, Linux, SSL, Git, Back-end, Software Design, Leadership, Requirements Analysis, Desktop Web Design, HTML, Apache Tomcat, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, OneDrive, Cloud Architecture, Client-server Model, XML, UML, Data Analysis, XSLT, Microservices Architecture, API Connectors, Databases, Web Services, Software Architecture, Docker, Java EE, Keycloak, Data Feeds, Solution Architecture, XML Schema, SFTP, HTTP, Apache Kafka, Message Queues, JDBC, PDF, GitHub, CI/CD Pipelines

XML Schema Developer

2023 - 2023
The Center for Global Enterprise LTD
  • Designed and authored XML schemas aligned with established data provenance standards, ensuring the schemas were intuitive, consistent, and capable of capturing relevant metadata.
  • 编写结构良好、语义准确的XML代码,并遵循最佳实践.
  • Created documentation for the XML schemas, including annotations, usage guidelines, and examples, to aid developers and users in their implementation.
  • Took client's existing data governance standards, metadata, and sample values captured in spreadsheet format, which would be soon translated into UML, and scribed them into an XML schema.
技术:XML, XML模式,数据工程,api, sdk, HTTP,消息队列,JDBC, GitHub

Java Lead

2016 - 2018
Parallon (HCA), USA
  • 开发了一个自动流程,用于从各种源系统获取索赔拒绝数据,并将数据与申诉包捆绑在一起.
  • 作为商业智能团队的一员,积极参与开发和管理超过30个微服务.
  • Contributed to the project's architecture, requirements gathering, and analysis as part of a 20-member team.
  • Interacted with users to understand the requirements and map the design.
  • Defined the framework for appeal assistance per the management strategies, including providing master data management solutions.
  • Managed the project build and deployment in multiple development, test, user acceptance testing, and production servers using the TeamCity and Marathon pipelines.
Technologies: Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Cloud, MacOS, Unix, Windows, Spring Data JPA, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Servlet, Ajax, Object-oriented Design (OOD), APIs, Microservices, MySQL, REST APIs, Netflix, Marathon, Zuul, Eureka, Hystrix, Mesos, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Java Servlets, Apache Maven, Jenkins, Eclipse, MongoDB, Couchbase, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, RxJava, JSON, API Integration, JavaScript, JSON API, JSON REST APIs, CSS, Selenium, Jira, Scrum, Back-end Development, NoSQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Architecture, Web Applications, REST, SOLID Principles, MVC Design, JEE, Linux, SSL, Git, Back-end, Software Design, Leadership, Requirements Analysis, Desktop Web Design, HTML, Apache Tomcat, Client-server Model, XML, UML, Data Analysis, Microservices Architecture, Kubernetes, API Connectors, Databases, Web Services, Software Architecture, Docker, Java EE, Solution Architecture, XML Schema, SDKs, HTTP, Message Queues, JDBC, PDF, Scala, GitHub, CI/CD Pipelines

Senior Software Engineer

2012 - 2016
Comsoft Technologies LLC, USA
  • Developed microservices, engaging actively as a senior engineer.
  • 处理设计、开发、bug修复、部署和其他需要进行的任务.
  • Collaborated daily with team members and customers.
Technologies: Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Cloud, MacOS, Unix, Windows, Spring Data JPA, Spring Cloud, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JSF, ICEfaces, JavaServer Faces, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), RichFaces, Servlet, JSTL, Ajax, Object-oriented Design (OOD), APIs, Microservices, MySQL, REST APIs, Full-stack, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Java Servlets, Apache Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Eclipse, MongoDB, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Elasticsearch, JSON, API Integration, JavaScript, JSON API, JSON REST APIs, Bootstrap, CSS, Jira, Scrum, Back-end Development, NoSQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Architecture, Web Applications, Payment Gateways, Online Ordering, REST, SOLID Principles, MVC Design, JEE, Linux, SSL, Git, Back-end, Software Design, Requirements Analysis, Desktop Web Design, HTML, Apache Tomcat, Liferay, Client-server Model, XML, UML, Web Services Description Language (WSDL), Microservices Architecture, API Connectors, Databases, Web Services, Software Architecture, Technical Consulting, Java EE, HTTP, Message Queues, GitHub, CI/CD Pipelines

Senior Software Engineer

2007 - 2011
SafeRock, Bangladesh (formerly Integrated Software Ltd)
  • Engaged in the system's design and implementation as part of the architecture team.
  • Contributed to the architecture, requirements gathering, analysis, detailed design, and class and flow diagram preparations as part of a 14-member team.
  • Developed the application's presentation layer using JavaServer Faces (JSF), RichFaces, Servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), JSTL, and Ajax with DWR.
  • 分别使用Spring和iBATIS构建应用程序的业务层和持久层.
Technologies: Java, Spring, JavaServer Faces, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), RichFaces, Servlet, JSTL, Ajax, DWR, iBATIS, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Windows, Spring Security, JSF, ICEfaces, Object-oriented Design (OOD), APIs, MySQL, Full-stack, Hibernate, MyBatis, Java Servlets, Apache Maven, Eclipse, Oracle, JSON, REST APIs, API Integration, JavaScript, JSON API, JSON REST APIs, CSS, Jira, Scrum, Back-end Development, Web Applications, REST, SOLID Principles, MVC Design, JEE, Linux, SSL, Git, Back-end, WebSockets, Software Design, Requirements Analysis, Desktop Web Design, HTML, Apache Tomcat, Client-server Model, UML, Databases, Software Architecture, Java EE, HTTP, JDBC, CI/CD Pipelines

Software Engineer

2006 - 2007
Athena Software Associates, Bangladesh (formerly UIGN)
  • 参与项目的转换分析、计划、建模、开发和测试.
  • Designed, developed, and maintained the data layer using the Hibernate ORM framework.
  • 使用Scrum和极限编程实践在敏捷环境中交付软件.
Technologies: Java, Spring, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Windows, Spring Security, JSF, ICEfaces, JavaServer Faces, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), RichFaces, Servlet, JSTL, Ajax, DWR, iBATIS, Object-oriented Design (OOD), APIs, Full-stack, Hibernate, MyBatis, Java Servlets, Eclipse, Oracle, API Integration, JavaScript, CSS, Jira, Scrum, Back-end Development, Web Applications, SOLID Principles, MVC Design, JEE, Linux, SSL, Git, Back-end, Software Design, Requirements Analysis, Desktop Web Design, Desktop App Development, Desktop, HTML, Apache Tomcat, Client-server Model, UML, Databases, Java EE, HTTP, JDBC

Software Engineer

2005 - 2006
Millennium Information Solution Ltd., Bangladesh
  • Contributed to documenting the requirements gathering process and preparing use cases.
  • Developed a conceptual model and mock user interface during the analysis phase.
  • Engaged in the development, testing, and deployment tasks.
Technologies: .NET, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Windows, Object-oriented Design (OOD), Jira, Scrum, Back-end Development, SOLID Principles, JEE, Linux, Git, Back-end, Software Design, Requirements Analysis, Desktop Web Design, Desktop App Development, Desktop, HTML, Apache Tomcat, UML, Databases, HTTP, JDBC

OKWCC Case Management System
一个综合案件管理系统(CMS)正在逐步取代OKWCC的手工程序, the government agency adjudicating injured workers' cases. 俄克拉何马州的工人和雇主谁希望对工人的赔偿索赔提出异议,可以使用这个CMS在线提交案件.

在一个20人的团队中,作为项目的IT架构师,我指导并监督了一个团队, 在使用敏捷方法的快速开发和部署环境中运行. I worked closely with our customers and analyzed requirements. I also defined the ETL framework, which pulls, converts, and adds 15 years of data to the new WCC system from the WCIS and NCCI. I then designed and maintained relational and dimensional data models, developed Spring Batch jobs for internal use, and built high-performance Spring RESTful web services using Jersey.

Parallon's Appeal Assistance Process

An automated internal process for Parallon's Claim Denial Department, 哪个从各种源系统获取拒绝数据并将数据与申诉包捆绑在一起.

I was the lead Java developer and product owner, 在使用敏捷方法的快速开发和部署环境中与其他20名成员一起完成项目. I developed the SOA for internal use, 构建和管理超过30个web服务,并作为商业智能团队的一部分积极参与. Face-to-face interaction was the preferred communication. I worked closely with our customers to analyze requirements, define and map the high-level architectural design, and maintain relational and dimensional data models. 然后,我用Jersey构建了高性能的Spring RESTful web服务,并使用TeamCity和Marathon来管理多个开发中的项目构建和部署, test, and production servers.

PICA Insurance Products
PICA集团产品的持续和增量开发,以支持内部部门, agents, and customers. The company is gradually automating its services, such as selling customer policies and managing policyholders and claims, emphasizing Agile development practices and software craftsmanship.

As a senior software engineer for PICA Group, Franklin, Tennessee, I contributed to the incremental development and handled bug fixes, deployments, meetings, and other tasks to advance the project. I also worked closely with customers, conducted face-to-face interaction as preferred, and cooperated daily with team members in open and collaborative workspaces.

Ministry Grid Training Platform
一个可定制的平台,旨在帮助教会在各个服务领域培养领袖, covering every topic a church needs to train all kinds of ministers effectively. Ministry Grid makes content available to leaders anytime, anywhere, 同时也让牧师和其他领袖对他们的会众如何学习有了前所未有的洞见.

我作为田纳西州纳什维尔的生命之路基督教资源公司的高级程序员分析师做出了贡献. 我使用Spring MVC开发了具有48个屏幕的跨浏览器兼容的Liferay portlet, JSF, Ajax, JSP, HTML, and CSS. I also built high-performance RESTful web services with Jersey for Android, iOS, and Kindle apps to separate business complexity from the mobile application.

对于这个项目,我使用Spring MVC和JSF开发了portlet控制器,并添加了JSP视图. Then, I wired the Spring services with the controllers, built WAR files, and deployed the WARS in the Liferay-Tomcat server. I implemented middleware services to manage images, videos, PDFs, and DOCs stored in the database or cloud; Liferay portlets called on these services to display the digital assets.

FedEx Common Data Service

一个企业服务框架,它为以XML格式存储的托管数据提供一组操作. The common data service (CDS) uses Oracle CAD as its primary database, 其数据存储范式基于XML文档存储,而不是传统的关系数据库管理系统和规范化的表结构.

I contributed as a senior programmer analyst for FedEx World Technology Center, Collierville, Tennessee. I built custom components for the developers, redefined the architecture for the CDS dashboard portal, and implemented Spring Security for web tier access protection. I also developed online screens using JSF, integrated with the Spring Framework for dependency injection.

此外,我使用JSF和Spring Core将XHTML页面构建为视图,并将后台bean构建为控制器. 通过使用Jakarta XML Binding和基于soap的消息传递标准生成客户端类,我参与了web服务客户端应用程序的设计和实现. I also applied design patterns such as singleton, factory, 和MVC,并使用JMS发布/订阅模型与其他系统进行异步交互. 然后,我编译了企业应用程序,并使用Ant和Maven构建工具创建了WAR文件.

Netvantage Cross-platform Solution for Toys "R" Us

一个网络集成系统,允许零售商简化和提高商品驱动促销的有效性. Netvantage pioneers a paperless, cross-platform solution for sales and brand analysis, ad planning, digital asset management, and web-based workflow management. 它使商家能够立即控制产品选择和活动计划,并包括一个基于web的, collaborative solution for image review, page approval, and job tracking.

I engaged as a senior software engineer for Toys "R" Us, USA, as part of a 14-member team, contributing to the architecture, requirements gathering, analysis, detailed design, class and flow diagram preparations, and system implementation. In daily Scrum meetings, I interacted with the US team to analyze requirements and map them to design. I then developed the application using JSF, RichFaces, Servlet, JSP, JSTL, and Ajax with DWR on the presentation layer. I also built the business layer using Spring and the persistent layer using iBATIS.


Java, SQL, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, CSS, HTML, UML, Web Services Description Language (WSDL), Scala, Python


Spring, Spring Security, Spring Boot, JSF, ICEfaces, Marathon, Spring Batch, Hibernate, Selenium, Bootstrap, .NET, JavaServer Faces, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), iBATIS


REST APIs, Hystrix, MyBatis, Java Servlets, JasperReports, RxJava, JSON API, OneDrive, JDBC, RichFaces, JSTL, DWR


Zuul, Eureka, Mesos, RabbitMQ, Apache Maven, Gradle, Jira, Git, Keycloak, GitHub, ActiveMQ, Jenkins, Apache Tomcat, Servlet


Object-oriented Design (OOD), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Microservices, Scrum, REST, MVC Design, Requirements Analysis, Desktop Web Design, Desktop App Development, Microservices Architecture


Eclipse, Oracle, Amazon Web Services (AWS), JEE, Desktop, Netflix, Java EE, MacOS, Unix, Windows, Amazon EC2, Linux, Kubernetes, Docker, Apache Kafka


Spring Data JPA, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, Couchbase, Microsoft SQL Server, Elasticsearch, JSON, NoSQL, Databases, XML Schema, Amazon DynamoDB, MongoDB, PostgreSQL


Spring Cloud, APIs, SOAP, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Cloud, API Integration, JSON REST APIs, Back-end Development, Architecture, Web Applications, Payment Gateways, Online Ordering, SOLID Principles, Back-end, WebSockets, Software Design, Leadership, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Cloud Architecture, Client-server Model, Data Analysis, API Connectors, Web Services, Software Architecture, Technical Consulting, Data Feeds, Solution Architecture, SDKs, HTTP, Message Queues, PDF, CI/CD Pipelines, Full-stack, SSL, Liferay, Ajax, Data Engineering, SFTP

2011 - 2014

Master's Degree in Computer Science

玛赫西管理大学(现为玛赫西国际大学)-费尔菲尔德, Iowa, United States

2001 - 2005

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering

United International University - Dhaka, Bangladesh

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