Selçuk Cihan, Developer in Istanbul, Turkey
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Selçuk Cihan

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Serverless Developer

Istanbul, Turkey
Toptal Member Since
October 9, 2018

Selcuk is a senior engineer, a certified AWS expert, and an ex-Amazonian who cares deeply about his customers. 他带来了强烈的主人翁意识和交付成果的记录. 拥有超过五年在AWS上开发无服务器应用程序的经验, he has a proven ability to take on technical duties, from operations to development and architecture. He has worked as a contractor for various startups, shipping numerous products and making customers happy.


Python 3, AWS Lambda
Python, Serverless, AWS Lambda, TypeScript, GraphQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS)...
Toptal Client
Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, Python, Serverless, REST api...




Preferred Environment

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Serverless, Python, Node.js, TypeScript, Datadog, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Next.js, AWS Lambda

The most amazing...

...我所做的项目是从SQL迁移到一个托管的NoSQL数据库,没有停机时间, 涉及三个不同的服务和超过20个不同的客户.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
  • 开发无服务器控制台产品的Python AWS Lambda SDK.
  • 在GitHub上实现CI/CD操作,以自动发布和pr.
  • 添加了验证端到端业务逻辑和性能的自动化测试.
Technologies: Python 3, AWS Lambda

Senior Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • Created the GraphQL back end for, a machine learning SaaS offering.
  • 将现有应用程序迁移为托管的无服务器应用程序(AWS Lambda).
  • 创建了一个无服务器应用程序,从第三方提供商处获取新闻.
  • Added payments on using Stripe. This involved extending the existing GraphQL API.
  • 使用AWS Step Functions创建无服务器工作流,以便与外部服务集成.
  • 使用AppSync创建GraphQL api,连接各种数据源,如DynamoDB和RDS.
  • 构建一个无服务器应用程序,定期维护各种web应用程序的站点地图.
  • 为SaaS订阅实现了Stripe集成,以收集付款.
  • 为tellimer设计了一个文章推荐和摘要器.com.
Technologies: Python, Serverless, AWS Lambda, TypeScript, GraphQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Cognito, Amazon EC2, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS Step Functions, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS AppSync, Datadog, Algolia, Stripe API, Python 3, SQL, REST APIs, Amazon CloudWatch, NoSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), AWS IAM, Amazon API Gateway, AWS CloudFormation, Python 2, Jest, Serverless Framework, API Gateways, Back-end, Git, Architecture, Microservices, Amazon RDS, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Relational Databases, Integration Testing, Data Analytics, Web Scraping, Cloud Architecture, Technical Leadership, Flask, API Integration, APIs

Senior Software Developer

2018 - 2019
Toptal Client
  • 用无服务器框架创建了一个面向公众的web应用程序.
  • 在AWS Lambda和API Gateway上用Python创建了一个无服务器后端.
  • 开发和维护前端,使用AngularJS实现.
  • 降低成本,节省超过50%的AWS账单.
  • 指导开发人员,并参与规划和审查拉取请求.
  • 通过在CloudFront/S3上重新设计缓存来提高性能.
  • 使用AWS Step Functions创建无服务器工作流,以便与外部服务集成.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, Python, Serverless, REST api, Amazon CloudWatch, NoSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), AWS IAM, Amazon API Gateway, AWS CloudFormation, Python 2, Serverless Framework, Pytest, API Gateways, Back-end, Git, Architecture, Microservices, Amazon RDS, Amazon CloudFront CDN, Relational Databases, Integration Testing, Cloud Architecture, Unix, API Integration, APIs

Software Development Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • 开发了处理Amazon目录的编排平台. The platform can handle tens of thousands of TPS, enabling the finest and most extensive catalog on earth.
  • Added functionality to a Node.js service, a high TPS REST service for difference analysis.
  • 重构了一个使用Kinesis并调用下游服务的编排引擎,这样应用程序就可以在没有任何依赖项的情况下启动, enabling performance testing of the core.
  • 支持生成零售目录的对账引擎(Java 8).
  • 在没有停机的情况下执行了多个web服务的实时迁移. 成功弃用了多个遗留服务,以简化整体体系结构并支持目录增长.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, JavaScript, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, DevOps, Agile, Spring, Linux, Node.js, Perl, Java, SQL, REST APIs, Amazon CloudWatch, NoSQL, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), AWS IAM, Amazon API Gateway, AWS CloudFormation, API Gateways, Back-end, Git, Architecture, Microservices, Amazon RDS, Relational Databases, Spring Boot, Integration Testing, Cloud Architecture, Unix, API Integration, APIs

Senior Software Engineer

2013 - 2017
  • Supported the workflow engine (C#, Windows service) serving banking applications, such as loans, customer complaints, etc.
  • Set up elastic to index workflow engine documents, enabling powerful search mechanisms for the end user.
  • 设计并实施了一个劳动力管理系统,赋予银行运营中心权力. The project won an award.
Technologies: DevOps, JavaScript, Unit Testing, Agile, REST, Elasticsearch, Microsoft SQL Server, C#, SQL, Back-end, Git, Microservices, Relational Databases, Integration Testing, APIs

Senior Software Engineer

2011 - 2013
Ziraat Teknoloji (formerly Fintek)
  • Designed and implemented a workflow engine running on Oracle, serving over 100,000 workflow instances daily.
  • Served as scrum master and mentored junior developers.
  • 为工作流引擎创建了工作流设计器和模拟器.
技术:c#, SQL, Oracle SQL, Git,关系数据库

Software Engineer

2010 - 2011
AirTies Wireless Networks
  • Implemented Teletext for the IPTV set-top box using C++.
  • 用C语言开发了一个字幕解析器,嵌入到IPTV机顶盒中.
  • Implemented a high-performance transport stream parser in C.
Technologies: Perl, Python, Linux, C++, C, Git, Unix

Software Engineer

2009 - 2009
CC Yazılım
  • 利用wxWidgets GUI工具包在c++中设计并实现了一个跨平台桌面客户端. The client database is SQLite.
  • 用Java (J2SE)设计并实现了相应的备份服务器. 为通过SSL (OpenSSL)保护的客户机-服务器通信实现了应用程序级协议。. Stored files are encrypted (AES).
  • 设计(不包括视觉设计)并实现了一个为在线备份用户服务的web门户. Users can download/browse backed-up files through the portal. 使用MySQL、Apache web服务器和Django框架.
Technologies: Django, Python, C++, Java

Python AWS Lambda SDK
我已经为无服务器监控产品创建了Python AWS Lambda SDK. 它是一个Lambda层,自动仪表功能并发出显示在控制台应用程序中的跟踪.

SDK可以检测几个常见的库,如Flask、requests、botocore等. (Machine Learning App)
I implemented the serverless back end for Built it using AppSync, Lambda, and DynamoDB. Involved in all phases of the application development, 从设计API到设置警报和仪表板以及处理操作工作.

Sourcing Financial News from External Providers
我用TypeScript创建了一个使用无服务器框架的应用程序, involving S3, SQS, SNS, Lambda, and EventBridge. 该应用程序集成了第三方api来收集新闻源并对其进行分类以呈现给客户.

Twitter Friends Map
一个显示你在Twitter上关注的人的位置的副项目. The front end is written with React. The back end is serverless on AWS with Node.js runtime. 这是一个简单的项目,演示了如何构建完全无服务器的应用程序.

Tetris with React
A simple Tetris game built with React. This project shows how React can be used. The game can be played on There is also a blog post in Turkish on on the development process.

Software News Curator
这个应用程序集成了Twitter API来获取与趋势软件相关的tweet. The back end is serverless on AWS using Lambda (Node.js) and S3, while the front end is on Vercel using Next.js. 它还有一个页面,在构建时静态呈现.

Tweeted About
This is a Next.js app hosted on Vercel. 它获取Twitter用户的tweet上下文,以呈现一个信息图表,显示他们在tweet中最常谈论的话题. 后端在AWS上是无服务器的,并使用API Gateway, Lambda (Node).js), and S3.
2008 - 2010

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering

Bogazici University - İstanbul, Turkey

2003 - 2008

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

Bogazici University - İstanbul, Turkey

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2025

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional

Amazon Web Services


AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate



AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

JUNE 2019 - JUNE 2022

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Node.js, REST APIs, React, Stripe API


Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Cognito, AWS IAM, Git, Amazon CloudFront CDN, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Step Functions, AWS AppSync, Pytest, Auth0


Python, JavaScript, Python 2, Java, SQL, Python 3, c#, Perl, c++, C, TypeScript, GraphQL


Unit Testing, Microservices, DevOps, Agile, REST


Amazon EC2、Linux、AWS Lambda、Docker、Unix、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Algolia、Vercel


Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), NoSQL, Relational Databases, PostgreSQL, Oracle SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Elasticsearch, Datadog


Django, Spring,无服务器框架,Spring Boot, Flask, AngularJS, Jest, Next.js


Amazon Kinesis, Back-end, API Gateways, Architecture, Amazon RDS, Integration Testing, Cloud Architecture, Technical Leadership, API Integration, APIs, Amazon API Gateway, Web Scraping, Data Analytics, Serverless, Graph Theory, Distributed Systems, Wireless Networking, Computer Vision, Computer Science

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